
Check out code from the Hummingbird github repo and start the installation:

$ git clone
$ cd hummingbird
$ make clean install

For other install options run make help and read the documention of the Makefile.

After successful installation you need to start the services. Hummingbird is using Anaconda Python distribution system. All installed files (config etc …) are below the Anaconda root folder which is by default in your home directory ~/anaconda. Now, start the services:

$ make start    # starts supervisor services
$ make status   # shows supervisor status

The depolyed WPS service is by default available on http://localhost:8092/wps?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities.

Check the log files for errors:

$ tail -f  ~/birdhouse/var/log/pywps/hummingbird.log
$ tail -f  ~/birdhouse/var/log/supervisor/hummingbird.log

Using docker-compose

Start hummingbird with docker-compose (docker-compose version > 1.7):

$ docker-compose up

By default the WPS is available on port 8080: http://localhost:8080/wps?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities.

You can change the ports and hostname with environment variables:

$ HOSTNAME=hummingbird HTTP_PORT=8092 SUPERVISOR_PORT=48092 docker-compose up

Now the WPS is available on port 8092: http://hummingbird:8092/wps?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities.